Become A Revive Outreach Sponsor Today!
As an affiliate sponsor of this nonprofit organization, you will help advance the common interests of reviving the underserved communities in need, enriched housing for families, seniors and our brave serviced veterans. You will also help to increase the awareness of the important role nonprofits play in community life across the state.
REVIVEcommunity program (property renovation supplies)
REVIVEcareer (volunteers to support programs on resume building, case worker referrals, first watch job fair information, employment opportunities)
REVIVEeducation (donated books, computers, printers, stationary paper, volunteer tutors, counselors, back packs and school supply necessities)
sponsor our community initiative program
Revive the community - $5,000
Trash Bags
Safety vests
sponsor our career development program
Restore their careers - $15,000
Supportive classroom necessities
Transportation assistance
Dress for success items
sponsor our housing program
Renew properties - $25,000
Property renovation requirements
Appliance necessities
Rental assistance
Hygiene necessities
Housing necessities