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Clean the Streets and Beautify the Streetscape
Street clean up programs and projects generally include a regularly scheduled day that the community gathers to clean up debris, weeds, and overgrown landscaping.
Street clean up programs and projects can vary but generally include a regularly scheduled day that the community gathers to clean up debris, weeds, and overgrown landscaping. Planter Boxes are small to medium sized boxed beds that can be planted with any variety of shrubs, grasses, and flowers. They can be put anywhere to make an area more green, beautify a street or block, or to create a more pleasant streetscape. Hanging plants can be used for beautification and greening and help bring a sense of pride and ownership to a neighborhood.

Clean Up St. Louis Block Blitz
A team of city departments and agencies including the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, St. Louis Fire Department, Neighborhood Improvement Specialists and various City Operations Departments will be conducting "Block Blitzes" to clean up the most challenged blocks across the city. The team will work to trim trees that are blocking street lamps, tow derelict cars, and remove debris and bulk items from alleys. The Fire Department will install smoke detectors in any house that needs one. Information about services from the City of St. Louis Department of Health, SLATE - St. Louis's Jobs Center, and other city departments will also be made available to residents.
Clean Up St. Louis Park Fairs
City departments, SLATE, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the St. Louis Fire Department will be hosting Clean Up St. Louis resource fairs in parks across the city throughout the summer of 2018.
What YOU Can Do to Clean Up St. Louis:
Alert the City of a Trash Issue Near You
Call the Citizen Service Bureau at 314-622-4800, tweet at @stlCSB [twitter.com], or visit the CSB website to report illegal dumping, abandoned cars or other issues in your neighborhood.
Organize a Block Clean Up + Bloom with Your Neighbors
Rally your neighbors for a small-scale clean up & flower planting on your block or in your neighborhood with tools from Brightside St. Louis. More info at brightsidestl.org/blitz [brightsidestl.org] or call 314-772-4646.