Housing Application
Please note: If you need any assistance with interpreting or completing this application please do not hesitate to tell the person who gave you the form.
We are glad you are interested in applying for Revive Housing Program. The mission of housing is to assist individuals experiencing homelessness or near homeless suffering from domestic and sexual assault and stalking gain economic stability and achieve their personal goals. We strive to meet this mission by providing a variety of practical and emotional support, and housing assistance. The Revive Housing Program provides housing assistance for 6-18 months in the St. Louis community. The Revive Housing Program does not provide 24-hour support to survivors and is only staffed from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Described here are the eligibility criteria for housing and some basic program information. This application is used to determine whether you are eligible and whether this program can offer you the support and assistance you desire. The questions in this application are included solely as a way of establishing whether this program is a good fit for your needs and situation.
Please complete this application and return it to the person you received it from (case manager or housing staff.) Once we receive your application, we will review it and contact you within 3 business days. If you are eligible, we will set up a time to meet and discuss the next steps in the process.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
If the above link does not work sorry there are no homes available at this time, but please continue to check back periodically. Thank You